19 February 2020

Whatever you're doing to fundraise for Above & Beyond, sharing your story can be a great way to get some extra donations.

Here our Press & PR Specialist Faye gives you some tips on how to approach the media and share your story on social media. 

Speaking to a local media outlet can be a great way to add to your fundraising total and raise awareness of Above & Beyond.

Local newspapers and radio stations are always on the lookout for stories about people in their area. Contacting them to share your story could help you raise even more money and awareness of Above & Beyond. You could inspire other people to get involved too.

Most newspaper and radio station websites list their contact details. Give them a call or email the news desk with some details about who you are, what you’re doing and, most importantly, why you’re doing it! If you’d like to speak to someone in our press office for support, email [email protected].

 Social media

  • Always include a photo or video with your post
  • Include a link to your online fundraising page
  • Keep your posts short and entertaining but triple-check that your messages make sense!
  • Tag people and organisations to help spread the word – only a couple per post. To tag a social media account enter ‘@’ followed by the name of the account e.g. @aboveandbeyond1
  • Update before, during and after the event to maximise the amount of donations

Don’t forget to tag Above & Beyond in your posts and we’ll try to share your updates with our followers!

Twitter: aboveandbeyond1 Facebook: aboveandbeyond1 LinkedIn: Above & Beyond Instagram: Above & Beyond Charity