Below are some key contacts to help with any queries you might have. If you’re unsure who to contact, please email [email protected] or call us on 0117 927 7120.

Grants and funding

If you have any queries about the grants application process, please contact Helen and Theresa, the grants management team, on [email protected]. The inbox is monitored daily.

If you would like to discuss your initial idea for a project, please contact Anna, a member of our philanthropy team, on [email protected]

Reimbursement of expenses

For queries about reimbursement of expenses under £250, please contact Becky and the finance team on [email protected]

Ward donation receipt books

If you need a new donation receipt book for your ward, please contact Leanne on [email protected].

Hospital partnerships manager – BHOC and BHI

If you work at BHOC or BHI and have any questions about how Above & Beyond can support your hospital or ward, please get in touch with Amy on [email protected].

Staff fundraising

If you’re interested in taking part in an event, starting a ward raffle, hosting a bake sale or any other fundraising event, please contact Natalie on [email protected] for support and fundraising materials.