Four dementia reminder clocks have been funded for Ward A602 at the Bristol Royal Infirmary (BRI).

The clocks clearly state the day and whether it is morning, afternoon or evening, as patients with the condition can often be disorientated when waking up. They can also ‘prompt’ older people with dementia to do daily tasks, such as reminding them to drink water.

In turn this will help the patients settle and reduce anxiety.

The clocks were funded thanks to Senior Nursing Assistant Alison Finch and her son Stephen, who has raised more than £500 with a range of challenges, including surfing and paddleboarding challenges and the Big Bristol Abseil.

Alison said: “The new clocks will be a great help with our dementia patients so they can be reminded of the day and time.

“They will be especially useful for those whose anxiety may be heightened due to being in a strange place with a lot of people they do not know.”

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