Thanks to the generosity of our donors and fundraisers a new machine will revolutionise doctor's training at Bristol's Eye Hospital. 

The machine, an Eyesi Virtual Reality Surgical Simulator allows junior doctors to train for cataract and vitriol retinal surgery and provides them with the actual experience they would have during actual operations. It can be made to simulate simple or complex cases and the trainee surgeon can repeatedly practice how to deal with complications.

Richard Haynes the Bristol Eye Hospitals Consultant Opthalmic Surgeon explains its significance:

We are extremely fortunate to have this piece of equipment. Prior to this our trainees would have limited opportunities to use machines because of their distant locations elsewhere in the country. As the south west's major teaching hospital for ophthalmic surgery and an important centre eye surgery referrals we are delighted to be able to offer this facility to our junior doctors and other professionals.

Above & Beyond Chief Executive, Sarah Talbot Williams said:

Bristol hospitals’ reputation for teaching is world renowned. Trainee doctors and other specialists come here from around the globe. It is therefore crucial that they are able to use the most up to date equipment. The eye simulator, and the room in which it is housed, may look modest but we have supported it because it will make a massive difference to doctors and to the treatment of their patients.