This year there are two dedicated runners taking on the London Marathon on 28 April to raise funds for Bristol's hospitals.

Our first runner is Matt Rees, who is raising money for SHIPS (Supporting Head Injured Pupils in Schools). 

The SHIPS Project has been running since 2003 and helps pupils with brain injuries in schools.

The project needs to raise £2,000 a year to run on top of the contributions made by schools as part of their membership.

Matt said: "Since my mother got a job on the ward in Frenchay working with children who have had a brain injury, I have been aware of the needs they have and the lack of support in the education system. I know my mother is always trying to fundraise so I offered to help.

"I'm running about 100 miles per month, that is a run most week days after work before going home at this time of year.  

"I certainly want to raise enough to meet the needs of SHIPS for this year and I hope they can use this event to get others fundraising."

Our second runner for 2019 is Sophie Latta, a medical student at the University of Bristol. She is running in remembrance of her friend Liv who sadly died on her medical elective in June 2018.

Sophie said: "Liv was a great inspiration and driver for my involvement with the charity. She was a keen runner who greatly encouraged me, so it feels fitting to run in remembrance of Liv. 

"Inside and outside of my capacity as a medical student, I stand in full support of the aims of the charity. Above & Beyond cares deeply for the patients in this small corner of the world, meeting needs previously unmet.

"Amongst my favourites are their achievements in: the provision of a sanctuary for those of all faiths and none, the purchase of a non-invasive ventilator for the Paediatric ICU and the instalment of two new overnight relatives’ rooms in the Adult ICU. It is in light of this that I can truly say that I am delighted to be part of their work."

If you want to put on your trainers and take on a running challenge for Above & Beyond this year, visit our events page for more details.