Kind-hearted staff from Bristol Audi have donated toys and teddies to Bristol Royal Hospital for Children.

Customer Jeremy Pilgrim arranged for the gifts to be delivered with the help of Above & Beyond.

Teddy bears, remote control cars and a ride-along car were just some of the toys dropped off at the hospital’s Play Centre by Jeremy on Thursday (30 August).

Jeremy, director of Macfarlane Packaging, said: “I am delighted to support Bristol Royal Hospital for Children and Above & Beyond.

“It was great to see the children enjoying the toys during their time in hospital.

“I really look forward to working with Above & Beyond again in the future to support patients across Bristol’s city centre hospitals.”

The Audi dealership are keen to continue the relationship with Above & Beyond and the children’s hospital and deliver more toys in time for Christmas.

Andrew Forman, service manager at Bristol Audi, said: “It is easy to forget those who work tirelessly in our fantastic health service and face real stress daily. This is highlighted even more for those dealing with a variety of health challenges in children.

“Anything we can do to support the fantastic staff at Bristol children’s hospital who are looking after the brave children in our region is the least we can do, however small.

 “We are only too happy to help where we can.”

Catherine Harris, corporate partnerships fundraising officer at Above & Beyond, said: “We’re hugely grateful to Jeremy and Audi for their generous gifts.

“The children at Bristol Royal Hospital for Children have already been very busy playing with them.”

Anyone interested in fundraising with their colleagues can contact [email protected].