10 June 2020

Bristol Junior Chamber (BJC), a networking organisation for young professionals in the city, has raised £5,090 for the Bristol City Centre Hospitals Appeal.

The challenge, ‘Virtually there! The Bristol to Hanover race’, saw BJC members team up with Wirtschaftsjunioren Hannover – their networking counterparts in Hanover, with which the city of Bristol is twinned – to cover a combined distanced of 1,000km over a period of seven days by walking, running, cycling or horse riding.

Following government guidelines in place owing to COVID-19, the 85 participants used activity tracking technology to clock up their kilometres whilst remaining socially distanced, sharing photos and reviewing progress at the end of every day. Massively exceeding both their fundraising and distance targets, the racers travelled a huge 5,668km over the seven days.

With its members keen to support NHS frontline staff in the city during the Coronavirus pandemic, Bristol Junior Chamber chose to fundraise for Above & Beyond. 

Friday 29 May marked the last day of the challenge, by which point Bristol Junior Chamber had received £2,500 in donations for the charity, which Bishop Fleming – an accountancy firm with offices in the South West and West Midlands – kindly agreed to double to £5,000. The JustGiving page has continued to receive donations.

On the charity challenge, BJC President Jack Callow says: “This week was about coming together whilst apart, promoting physical activity to support our mental health as well as general fitness whilst adhering to social distancing guidelines, and, above all, supporting a fantastic cause.

“When you consider that each participant travelled approximately 10km on average every day, it’s fair to say that I was blown away by the energy and the commitment with which Bristol Junior Chamber members and those of Wirtschaftsjunioren Hannover took on this challenge, particularly in such testing circumstances.

“We’re incredibly grateful for the donations we’ve received from friends, family and colleagues, and we’re delighted to be able to support Above & Beyond and its very worthy cause.”

Gemma Jenkins, Above & Beyond Corporate Partnerships Officer, said: “From everyone at Above & Beyond I want to say a big thank you to Bristol Junior Chamber for taking on this challenge and raising such an incredible amount for Bristol’s hospitals.

“The money raised will make a real difference to patients, their families and the staff who treat them, especially during this challenging time for our NHS.

“Anyone who’s been inspired by Bristol Junior Chamber to plan their own fundraising challenge can get in touch for support and ideas.”

Plan your virtual fundraising challenge