20 May 2021

Patricia Caldas, Paediatric and Fetal Cardiologist at Bristol Royal Hospital for Children, is taking on a sailing challenge to raise money for Above & Beyond.

Patricia and her boatPatricia is originally from Portugal where she sailed for many years, even becoming the national champion and Iberian champion (Portugal and Spain), however she hasn’t sailed for at least 20 years.

She said: “I decided to fundraise for Above & Beyond because as a health care worked at Bristol Children’s Hospital I witness how much our charity has helped our children. I want to give my contribution.

“In addition to racing, I have also volunteered to be a sailing instructor for children. There are not many experienced sailors available to teach and as a cardiologist I would like to participate in teaching and promoting healthy sports activities in our young population.

“Sports is particularly important during this pandemic as obesity and mental health problems are a catastrophic problem amongst teenagers.”

Patricia’s husband will be joining her as part of the sailing crew. He’s a Clinical Lecturer at Bristol Dental Hospital with no experience in sailing but is “very committed to the cause”.

Natalie Millbank, Community Partnerships Fundraising Officer at Above & Beyond, said: “I’d like to say a big thank you to Patricia for raising money for our hospitals. As a member of staff she knows first-hand how much difference charity funding can make.

“I don’t think we’ve ever had a sailing challenge at Above & Beyond so I’m really looking forward to keeping up to date with her progress.”

Start your fundraising for Bristol city centre hospitals