7th October 2022

David Miller, a patient at Bristol Haematology and Oncology Centre (BHOC), has raised £17,000 by cycling the Devon coast-to-coast route.

Starting in Ilfracombe, David and his friends, Tim Illston and Tim Preson, cycled to Plymouth - and then back again - a total of 200 miles in three days.

David and his friends in their cycling gearDavid wanted to say thank you for the amazing care and treatment he's received at BHOC for stage four melanoma in his lung, liver and bones, diagnosed in August 2020.

His treatment (targeted therapy followed by immunotherapy) has resulted in the tumours going and bones recovering. His immunotherapy treatment is still ongoing.

David said: "I am pleased to say I am now back to my normal activities of walking, cycling, golf, tennis etc. In addition to the fantastic treatment and care from all the staff at the hospital, the support from my family and friends has been a major factor in helping me during the last two years.

"The ride was a significant challenge with strong head winds, heavy rain and significant hills. But the companionship with my fellow riders, the beautiful Devon countryside, achieving the goal and a beer each evening were the best parts."

David has raised an incredible £17,000 for our hospitals. Thank you, David, you've done something great! 

Sponsor David's coast-to-coast challenge

Fundraise your way and raise money for our hospitals.