The change you make News and Blog Latest news Fundraiser completes 20km Perth swim 29th March 2022 A fundraiser has risked his life and limbs to swim 20km and raise £1,400. Rob Tyrrell lives in Perth, Australia, and completed the Rottnest Channel Swim on 26th February. The event is the Perth equivalent to the London Marathon – but just a little bit sunnier! Swimming for six and a half hours and avoiding any sharks, Rob raised £1,400. The money raised will go to The Capella Foundation, which was set up by his friends Mat and Lucy after they lost one of their twins to twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome during their first pregnancy. The foundation funds research into treatments for complications during pregnancy. Rob said: “Mat and Lucy were expecting their first kids (twins) when we were expecting our first little boy. I found their response to the heartbreak of losing one of their babies to twin to twin transfusion very inspiring and figured I would raise money for them with this swim.” It’s not too late to donate to Rob’s efforts. Click here to make a donation. Start your fundraising Manage Cookie Preferences