19th April 2023

More than £4,000 has been raised in memory of Ron Scarratt for the Bristol Royal Infirmary (BRI) Rheuamtology Department, who cared for Ron for five years.

From collecting money in Ron’s memory and a static cycle fundraising event, the family has raised a total of £4,075 to say thank you for Ron’s care.

Matty Scarratt-Jones, Ron’s grandson, took on a static cycle with his friends Olly, Ben and Ruby and cycled the 135 mile distance from his school in Bristol, Clifton High School, and Ron’s old school in Market Drayton.

On 13th April, the family came to visit the Rheumatology Department and find out more about how the money raised will be used.

Matty said: “To visit the BRI Rheumatology Department and see the inspiring work that Dr Liz Perry, the nurses and researchers do first hand was truly amazing, and it’s excellent to know that my grandad’s legacy will be continued by sending departmental nurses to the British Society of Rheumatology Annual Conference.

My grandad was always so keen to help in the education of rheumatoid arthritis, having had the disease since he was 33, and I know he would be very happy to see that money raised in his name will be used in this way, hopefully changing the experience for future generations.

From everyone at Bristol & Weston Hospitals Charity, we want to say a great BIG thank you to Matty and all of the family for raising such an incredible amount of money for our hospitals.

Fundraise your way to say thank you for the care you or a loved one has received at our hospitals.

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