Above & Beyond volunteer Rosie Munson has started an Etsy shop to sell crafts to raise funds for the Bristol City Centre Hospitals Appeal.

Rosie’s handmade gifts are usually stocked in Above & Beyond’s Fundraising Hub in the BRI. But with the Hub closed until further notice, Rosie has decided to take her goods online so she can continue to raise money for the hospitals.

Gifts featured on the ‘Bristol Made by Rosie’ shop include purses, zip bags, aprons (child and adult) and tote bags.

Rosie said: “I’ve stitched and knitted items for Above & Beyond’s Fundraising Hub and craft sales for four years. With the Hub closed, I decided now was a good time to start my Etsy shop so I can contribute to the Bristol City Centre Hospitals Appeal.

“Supporting our NHS is so important during this time and I’d urge other crafters out there to put their talents to good use and get involved!”

Check out our virtual fundraising ideas for tips on how to fundraise at home or contact [email protected] if you have an idea you'd like to discuss with the fundraising team.