7th June 2024

As Volunteers' Week draws to a close, we want to say a big thank you to all our incredible volunteers who generously dedicate their time and energy to doing great things for our hospitals.

We rely on our brilliant volunteers and we couldn't achieve our goals without their invaluable contributions. This week (and every week!) we've been celebrating each and every one of our volunteers and the remarkable impact they make.

Yesterday, we came together with our volunteers and had an amazing day together. We enjoyed some coffee, snacks, good company, and celebrated Volunteers' Week as a community doing great things. As we came together with our amazing volunteers, they shared their experiences and motivations with us.

Here’s what Pat (pictured) had say about her volunteering journey with BWHC, which started a whopping 13 years ago.

Pat is a BWHC volunteer“After the hospital saved my life twice, I wanted to give back once I retired. I'm happy to step in whenever the charity needs volunteers and I really enjoy events like the Big Bristol Walk or covering shifts at the charity’s fundraising hub. I've always gone above and beyond, and I still do because I genuinely enjoy it.

"One time, while covering at the hub, a lady came in with big bags of coins her elderly mom had saved for years, saying, 'Mum wants me to give you all this.' It was such a lovely moment. I must admit, I truly enjoy being a volunteer and meeting wonderful people."

If you’re inspired, consider becoming a volunteer and going above and beyond for our hospitals. Whatever you choose to do and however much time you have to give as a volunteer, you'll be making a big difference to our hospitals, both now and in the future.

 Together, we can do great things!

Volunteering opportunities