The new equipment

A photo-slit lamp camera is in use at Bristol Eye Hospital (BEH), supporting all complex surgical and medical cases from across the South West. 

A slit lamp is a high-specification camera that enables doctors to detect inflammation in patients with uveitis at an early stage. Exceptional quality photos are produced for pre- and post-op assessments, keratitis, referrals from A&E and much more.

However, only the person using the slit lamp is able to see the image and the signs of uveitis. Using the camera and screen, also funded by Bristol & Weston Hospitals Charity, others in the room can also see the examination in real time, and photographs may be taken.

What difference will the equipment make?

This helps the children with uveitis and their parents to see the signs of inflammation and complications. This helps them to visualise improvements with treatment, understand the reason behind their medication and hopefully lead to better engagement with their eye health and medicine concordance. It will therefore help save the vision of these children in the future and alleviate anxiety in those with mild complications from uveitis.

Catherine Guly, Consultant Ophthalmic Physician at BEH, said: 

This equipment will be particularly useful for the children with the sight threatening condition uveitis. The slit lamp camera will enable children and their families to see the uveitis inside their eyes, and this will be invaluable in helping them understand and manage their condition.

Patient story

Rebekah, seven, was diagnosed with uveitis, a form of eye inflammation, after being seen by nine different doctors and being given a number of misdiagnoses. She travels to BEH every week from Cornwall to receive the specialist uveitis care available.

Her mother Kay said: “The new slit lamp camera and screen is so helpful. Now we can show Rebekah on the screen it makes it easier for her to understand why she has been going through all of this - why she has to have horrible injections every week.

“It can be very difficult to explain to a child, but now she can see how it is improving.”

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