17th May 2023

A new ground-breaking research centre is being built at Bristol Royal Hospital for Children (BRHC).

We've launched the South West Children’s Research Appeal, working with University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust (UHBW) to make this pioneering development a reality.

The £1 million project will give up to 20% more young patients the opportunity to take part in research projects that could help in the development of cures for rare conditions, every year.

Currently, children undergoing pilot treatments often have to travel as far away as Birmingham, London or even Liverpool. This causes huge disruption to family life and for many simply isn’t possible.

Paul Kearney, our chief executive, said: “We are standing alongside our incredible local NHS, working with them to joint-fund this beacon of hope that will reach across the whole region.

“The ground-breaking facility will transform treatments, cures for poorly children will be discovered, and countless lives will be improved today, tomorrow and well into the future. 

Artist impression of the new clinical research facility at Bristol Childrens Hospital

“We need the people of Bristol and the South West to rally with us to help this centre feel like a home-from-home for poorly children and help us unlock hope and find cures for families.”

Professor A.V.Ramanan, consultant rheumatologist and professor of paediatric rheumatology, said: “The South West Children’s Research Appeal will enable us to participate in trials which can be life transforming and potentially curative, like gene therapy studies.

“Due to the lack of clinical research facility, Bristol has not been a site for cutting-edge treatments for rare paediatric disease. This has meant either children having to travel, or often missing out on novel therapies for rare conditions.”

The South West Children’s Research Appeal needs your support to make this new facility a child-friendly environment to deliver cutting-edge new research projects.

Will you join us?

Let’s save lives. Starting today, lasting forever. 


South West Children Meet the research team at BRHC

Why does Bristol need a childrens research centre?
 The difference the research centre will make

 Harrisons story