A ground-breaking new clinical research facility is now open at Bristol Royal Hospital for Children.

A big thanks to our supporters who raised an incredible £460,000 for the South West Children's Research Appeal, bringing our funding total to £700k. Thanks to you, we could make our dreams a reality for the facility. We've not only been able to build it, but we've been able to transform it into a beautiful home away from home for young patients.

This cutting-edge facility will enable the dedicated research team at BRHC to take on 30% more research projects and increase patient numbers by around 1,200 every year

It will transform treatments, cures for poorly children will be discovered, and countless lives will be improved today, tomorrow and well into the future. 



Hope for thousands of children and their families

Bristol Royal Hospital for Children was the only big children's hospital in the UK without a dedicated research facility. Research trials were restricted and young patients living with life-limiting and rare conditions would have to travel elsewhere in the country to take part in the potentially curative studies.Harrison at the new research facility at Bristol Childrens Hospital

You've helped change that!

Now, children from all over the South West will have more opportunities to join life-changing research trials like Harrison (pictured right).

The facility will improve the quality of life for thousands of young patients with life-limiting conditions including childhood cancers, heart, muscular, neurological, respiratory and renal conditions, as well as rare diseases. 

This research facility will leave an important legacy for the future.

"It will enable us to participate in trials which can be life transforming and potentially curative, like gene therapy studies, that will impact children across the country and even across the world." Said Professor A.V.Ramanan, consultant rheumatologist at University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust and professor of paediatric rheumatology.


The facility includes: 

BWHC Logo sunburst icon Two dedicated outpatient rooms provide a more confidential, private setting for patients to be examined and treated.

BWHC Logo sunburst icon Two patient beds in an overnight bay so more children will be able to take part in the life-changing research trials.

BWHC Logo sunburst icon  Coral reef artwork and decoration to create a welcoming, calming environment. With the support of a focus group made up of young patients, the facility has been created with children in mind.

BWHC Logo sunburst icon  Augmented reality to entertain patients and ease anxieties, as well as adding a little magic to your hospital visit. Using a phone or tablet, two of the walls come to life with fish swimming and coral swaying right before your eyes

BWHC Logo sunburst icon Staff spaces will make it easier and more efficient for the team to prepare the treatments all within the same facility.


The clinical research team at Bristol Children


If you'd like to help fund more great projects like this, you can make a donation here or explore other ways to get involved.


Why does Bristol need a childrens research centre? Design concepts for the clinical research centre at Bristol Childrens Hospital The difference the childrens research centre will make in the South West
Meet the research team at Bristol Childrens Hospital Watch Harrisons story